yoga bandhas

Maintain a Steady Prana Flow With These Yoga Bandhas

Yoga involves a deeper understanding of the functioning of your body and mind. Do you know that understanding it depends on the concept of the sacred life-force in your body? Yes! The final aim of every yoga practice is to help you gain control over this subtle life-force.

The law of energy conservation states that “energy is neither created nor destroyed”. It can only transition from one form to the next. To make this possible, there is the wonderful technique of yoga bandhas.

But, do you know what yoga bandhas are? Yoga experts have complete information on the same.

What are Yoga Bandhas?

Bandha is a Sanskrit word. This means “lock” or “to bind”. Yoga Bandha helps you lock the energy in certain parts of the body. It is a powerful yogic technique that activates energy in specific parts of your body.

The yoga bandhas make it possible for you to manipulate the flow of sacred life-force in your body. The goal of every yogi is to lock this energy within the central energy channel (Sushumna Nadi).

Now let us take a look at the role bandhas play in yoga practice.

Importance of Yoga Bandhas in Yoga

You release the sacred Prana (life-force) through certain openings in the body. These doors are the pelvic area, abdominal area, and throat.

That said, let us check out what makes Yoga Bandhas such an important part of yoga practice.

  • Bandhas lock these doorways to prevent leakage of life-force into the atmosphere.
  • Some areas of your body are energy-rich while others have less amount of energy. This causes the Prana to get stuck due to muscular tension. Bandhas redirect this energy to the energy-deprived regions of your body.
  • The yoga bandhas are great tools in helping you gain control over different Koshas in the body.
  • Bandhas stimulate the chakras. It is a major reason why yogis practice this for Kundalini awakening.

Do you know the purpose of Yoga Bandhas? The information below has the answer for that.

Role of Yoga Bandhas

There are some impressive applications of yoga bandhas in yoga practice.

On a physical level, these support yoga practice. The yoga bandhas in your hands and feet support many yoga postures with strong muscular action. It helps you maintain balance during yoga practice and become stronger. Yogis practice bandhas to flow from one yoga asana to the next.

On an energetic level, yoga bandhas regulate the flow of the sacred Prana in your body. Daily practice helps unlock the dormant Kundalini energy. This elevates your consciousness and moves you from a state of craving to that of complete self-awareness. These clear the chakras of energy blockages or any psychological obstructions.

For you to do this, knowing the different types of yoga bandhas is a must. Yoga experts have come up with complete information on the same.

Types of Yoga Bandhas

Types of yoga bandhas

You would come to hear only about 4 types of yoga bandhas. But, there are six yoga bandhas you should know about.

These bandhas are further divided into three categories.

Minor Bandhas

You practice these yoga bandhas by locking your hands and feet area.

  • Hasta Bandha – Hand locks
  • Pada Bandha – Feet locks

Major Bandhas

You do these bandhas by locking muscles near your abdomen, pelvis, and throat.

  • Moola Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha

Maha Bandha

When you perform all the three major yoga bandhas together you practice the Maha Bandha.

Come! Let us now take a look at what each of these Bandhas are.

Different Types of Yoga Bandhas

Given below is an in-depth explanation of all the six yoga bandhas.

First, let us focus on the minor bandhas.

Minor Yoga Bandhas


1. Hasta Bandha

hasta bandha

The word Hasta Bandha means “hand lock”. As the name suggests, this locks the Prana energy in your hands and arms. It activates the energy channels in your arms. Hasta Bandha gives you the strength for Downward Dog and Handstand yoga asana.

Do you know the benefits this yoga bandha offers?

Benefits of Hasta Bandha

  • Relieves pain and discomfort in your wrist when doing the Handstand, Tabletop, or Downward Dog pose
  • Increases the flow of Prana in your arms

2. Pada Bandha

pada bandha

The word Pada means foot. This is the best yoga bandhas to lock the Prana energy in your feet. It activates the arches of your feet. Pada Bandha offers you stability and balance during yoga practice. This yoga lock binds you to the Earth’s energy. It channelizes the sacred life-force in your feet.

Benefits of Foot Lock

  • Offers elevation to knees and pelvis
  • Connects your body with the Earth
  • Offers balance and centeredness in yoga practice
  • Tones organs of your lower body

These two were the minor yoga bandhas. Now let us focus on the major yogic locks.

Major Yoga Bandhas

Given below are the 4 major yoga bandhas.

1. Moola Bandha

moola bandha

The word Mool Bandha means “root lock”. This is a powerful yoga bandha to lock the Prana energy in the pelvic region of your body. Practicing this yoga lock requires you to contract the perineal muscles.

Benefits of Moola Bandha

  • Strengthens the pelvic floor muscles
  • Helps cleanse your body
  • Improves concentration level and emotional strength
  • Offers relief from mental stress, negativity, and phobias
  • Improves sexual health of men and women
  • Stimulates the Mooldhara chakra to awaken Kundalini

2. Uddiyana Bandha

uddiyana bandha

This is one of the best types of yoga bandhas for strengthening your abdominal muscles. It is an abdomen lifting lock that locks the life-force in your abdominal region. In this yoga bandha, you draw the navel part in and upwards.

Benefits of Uddiyana Bandha

  • Strengthens abdominal muscles and diaphragm
  • Stimulates the Manipura chakra
  • Increases higher awareness within the practitioner
  • Makes you feel and look younger and energetic

3. Jalandhara Bandha

Jalandhara Bandha

One of the best yoga bandhas to lock the life-force in your throat region. The other name for Jalandhara Bandha is Chin or Throat lock.

Benefits of Throat Lock

  • Helps the excretion process of the body
  • Increases concentration level and calms the mind
  • Improves metabolism and blood circulation
  • Minimizes anxiety and stress
  • Helps develop a clear and sweet voice
  • Stimulates the Throat chakra

It is time we look at the combination of all the three yoga bandhas – Maha Bandha.

The Maha Bandha

maha bandha

The combination of all three yogic locks above leads to the formation of the Maha Bandha. In this yoga bandha, you perform the Moola, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara Bandha together.

Benefits of Maha Bandha

  • Helps maintain excellent cardiovascular health
  • Strengthens the immune system and metabolism
  • Helps you become more alert with a better concentration level
  • Relieves headaches, mood, and sleeping disorders
  • Improves digestion, respiration, and excretion of waste from the body
  • Helps activate the Kundalini energy by stimulating the Mooldhara, Manipura, and Vishuddhi Chakra

Do you know there is a deeper connection between yoga mudras and bandhas? No? Yoga experts have come up with the information for the same.

Also Read:- Stress Relieving Yoga

Connection Between Mudras and Yoga Bandhas

Yoga Mudras and Bandhas go hand in hand. These work on a subtle level in comparison to asanas and pranayama. Both work towards a common goal – to cleanse your body and mind on a subtle level.

Yoga Mudras use body movement to redirect the sacred life-force to a specific chakra. The organs connected with that chakra become active through yoga bandhas. Bandhas use the contraction of muscles and organs to redirect Prana to a specific chakra. This helps that specific body organ function better.

Mudras and Bandhas give you total control over the inner functioning of your body. Some of these functions include the flow of heat and blood within your body. Gaining control of these processes gives you control over the subtle body.

But, do you know that deep breathing also plays a vital role in the practice of yoga bandhas? Read the information below to know the answer.

Deep Breathing in Yoga Bandhas

Breathing is the most important component of yoga bandhas practice. Deep breathing before Bandha practice helps the Prana flow throughout your body. You control the life-force with proper inhale and exhale. The Prana governs the energy in your physical and mental exercises.

Holding your breath during yoga bandhas practice completes the lock. A combination of deep breathing with muscle contraction forms a yoga bandha. Yoga experts recommend you practice Antar and Bahya Kumbhaka with yoga bandha.

Keep in mind that without deep breath retention you cannot practice any yoga bandha. Join a certified yoga school to learn this powerful yogic technique.

Let us now check out what benefits do the yoga bandhas offer.

Benefits of Yoga Bandhas

  • Activates all organs in the area where you apply the bandha
  • Calms your brain and strengthens emotions
  • Keeps your spine healthy
  • Stimulates every organ in the endocrine system
  • Strengthens the Autonomic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • Stimulates Mooldhara, Manipura, and Vishuddhi Chakra
  • Purifies body and mind

To reap these benefits there are two major precautions to keep in mind regarding the yoga bandhas.

Also Read:- Yoga Alliance Certification

A Word of Caution

Before you attempt any of the yoga bandhas described above you must learn the corresponding breathing technique.

Yoga Bandhas requires a lot of practice to master. Join a certified yoga school to learn these from experienced yoga teachers.

The Yoga Bandhas are a powerful yogic technique to gain control of the inner processes of your body and mind. A certified yoga school can help you learn and practice these with precision under the guidance of experienced yoga teachers.


Practicing yoga bandhas require complete knowledge of their working and effects. You should join a certified yoga school to learn these from experienced yoga teachers.

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