Jivamukti yoga

Beginner’s Guide to Jivamukti Yoga

Yoga has long been a part of human history. This ancient art includes numerous physical and mental exercises to help the practitioner connect with the supreme consciousness. With time, this has transitioned into numerous forms like Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga among others. One of these is the Jivamukti which helps you unlock the true mental and physical potential within.

Want to know more about this yoga style? Read on to find out.

The Origins of Jivamukti Yoga

Sharon Gannon, a dancer, and musician, and David Life, an artist, and business owner met in 1982 and traveled to India. Therefore, it is here that both acquired yoga teacher training under Swami Sivananda and Nirmalananda.

Later, both returned to New York and set up the Jivamukti yoga society in 1984. In 1990, both went back to India to train in the Ashtanga yoga style under the guidance of K. Pattabhi Jois.

Jivamukti is made from two different words namely Jiva which means individual living soul and Mukti which means liberation from the cycle of rebirth and death. It is a yoga style to help you attain liberation while living.

What is the Aim of Jivamukti Yoga?

The practice of Jivamukti reminds you of the true meaning and intention of yoga practice. It offers you a path to enlightenment by helping you develop compassion and love for all living beings.

Do you know this yoga style is based on five tenets? Read below to know the answer.

Five Tenets of Jivamukti Yoga

There are five basic tenets of Jivamukti for beginners.

1. Shastra

The word Shastra means scriptures. This tenet of Jivamukti requires you to study its four primary texts namely Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Upanishads, and the Bhagwad Gita. The main goal here is to help you learn and understand the Sanskrit language.

2. Bhakti

Bhakti is the second tenet of Jivamukti practice. It requires submission or devotion towards the divine. The tenet of Bhakti focuses on humility and having a down-to-earth attitude. It helps you dive deeper into yoga practice and connect with the divine.

3. Ahimsa

Ahimsa stands for non-violence. It is the 3rd tenet of Jivamukti yoga which teaches you lessons in compassion, love, and not harming a living being. Following the tenet of non-violence helps you live a life where you can relate to the environment. It helps you win over the ego and develop the patience to respond to a situation with mindfulness.

4. Nada

Nada stands for music and this helps you develop deeper listening skills. This tenet of Jivamukti helps you develop the ability to listen without reacting or speaking up. You can use mantra chanting, meditation, and even inspirational music in this tenet of Jivamukti yoga.

5. Dhyana

Dhyana, also known as meditation is the fifth tenet of Jivamukti yoga. It requires you to simply observe your thoughts without getting deep into any of them. Meditation is the tool that gives your mind a break from all the clutter and focuses on the present moment.

However, for you to practice these five tenets of Jivamukti yoga for beginners, you should practice the right yoga asanas.

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5 Jivamukti Yoga Asanas for Beginners

Yoga experts have come up with five predominant Jivamukti poses.

1. Virasana

Known as the Hero Pose, this Jivamukti asana helps you during meditation and is best suited for open Jivamukti yoga classes. It provides relief to your limbs and gives your body a good level of relaxation.

2. Natarajasana

This Jivamukti exercise is named after the Nataraja form of Lord Shiva, a deity in Hindu mythology. It resembles the Tandava pose of Lord Shiva and tests your body’s level of strength and flexibility. This is an effective yoga pose to improve your level of concentration and balance.

3. Dhanurasana

Known as the Bow Pose, this Jivamukti yoga asana provides your body with a full range of motion. It also works on all the major muscle groups, arms, legs, and glutes.

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4. Hanumanasana

Named after Lord Hanuman, a Hindu deity; this Jivamukti asana helps you develop rock-solid core strength and inner courage.

5. Mayurasana

Known as the Peacock pose, Mayurasana is an advanced Jivamukti exercise that requires a good level of strength and concentration. You can enroll in a certified yoga school to learn more about this powerful Jivamukti asana.

This is it! Your guide to knowing the Jivamukti as a beginner.


Do you want to disconnect from all the external distractions and connect with the supreme consciousness? You should enroll in a certified Jivamukti class to understand and practice this amazing yoga style under the guidance of skilled experts.

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